Example setup


Get participant data

You can source the data anyway you want, via spreadsheet, googlesheets, database, etc. The only requirement is you create a dataframe, even if it is only one column.

people_in_group <-data.frame(
  people = c("Steve", "Kathy", "Tim", "Terry", "Erin", "Emily", "Gail", "Robin", 
           "Denny", "Marge", "Elizabeth", "Darrell"),
  email = rep("fakeemail@gmail.com", 12)

Create topics

Note that the Fika package comes with some suggested topics. Use the topics() function to see all the suggested topics.

Add topics

You can add on addtional topics via the topic_add() function. Or hey, just create your own topics list or ignore it all together.

Create groups & topics

Create groups based on the number of people and the min group size you desire. If you want, you can also create a corresponding topic for each group.

Please note that create_groups takes a data frame object.