URL: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/can-you-connect-the-dots/

Riddler Express:

In Riddler City, the city streets follow a grid layout, running north-south and east-west. You’re driving north when you decide to play a little game. Every time you reach an intersection, you randomly turn left or right, each with a 50 percent chance.

After driving through 10 intersections, what is the probability that you are still driving north?

Extra credit: Now suppose that at every intersection, there’s a one-third chance you turn left, a one-third chance you turn right and a one-third chance you drive straight. After driving through 10 intersections, now what’s the probability that you are still driving north?And what are your chances of winning the prize?


Well for the first question, 50% change of driving north. Given an even number of turns, you must be facing South or North in even numbers.


Lets generate some helper functions. I figure I need to create random turns based on the available diretions and then repeat the process 10 times.

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Generate valid turn options
# Requires a character argument
# returns a character vector
turn_options <- function(direction){
  if(!direction %in% c("North", "East", "South", "West")){
    message("Invalid Direction.  Try 'North', 'South', 'East' or 'West'")
  } else {
  if(direction == "North"){options <- c("West", "North", "East")}
  if(direction == "East"){options <- c("North", "East", "South")}
  if(direction == "South"){options <- c("East", "South", "West")}
  if(direction == "West"){options <- c("South", "West", "North")}


# Take a direction and  make a random turn
# Requires a character input
# Returns a character (direction you are heading)
turn_random <- function(direction) {

  turn.options <- turn_options(direction)
  result <- sample(turn.options, 1)

# Randomly turn ten times and see where you end up
# Dont love while loop, but hey its quick
turn_10_times <- function(initial.direction = "North"){
  turn.result <- turn_random(initial.direction)
  count <- 1
  while(count < 10){
    turn.result <- turn_random(turn.result)
    count <- count + 1

Now that we have some helpers, lets generate some simulations. First, we’ll start by simply generating results

trial.count <- 100000

sim <- tibble::tibble(
  trial = 1:trial.count,
  outcome = base::replicate(trial.count, turn_10_times())

sim$outcome %>% janitor::tabyl() %>% janitor::adorn_pct_formatting()
##      .     n percent
##   East 25275   25.3%
##  North 24965   25.0%
##  South 25108   25.1%
##   West 24652   24.7%
result <- sim %>% 
  summarise(chance.north = sum(ifelse(outcome == "North", 1, 0)) / n())

Looks like there is a 0.25% chance of still heading north.

Plot Paths

For fun, I wanted to go one step further and visualize the path the car could take.

New Helper Functions

turn_10_times_path <- function(initial.direction = "North"){
  path <- tibble::tibble(
    start  = "start",  
    turn1  = turn_random(initial.direction),
    turn2  = turn_random(turn1),
    turn3  = turn_random(turn2),
    turn4  = turn_random(turn3),
    turn5  = turn_random(turn4),
    turn6  = turn_random(turn5),
    turn7  = turn_random(turn6),
    turn8  = turn_random(turn7),
    turn9  = turn_random(turn8),
    turn10 = turn_random(turn9),
  ) %>% 
    t() %>% 
    # unname() %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column() %>% 
    setNames(c("Turn", "Path")) 

add_x_coords <- function(dataset, num.turns){
  result.vector <- c(0)
  x <- 0
  for(row in 2:num.turns){
    direction <- dataset$Path[row]
    if(direction == "East"){x <- x + 1}
    if(direction == "West"){x <- x - 1}
    result.vector <- append(result.vector, x)
  dataset <- dataset %>% 
    mutate(x = result.vector)

add_y_coords <- function(dataset, num.turns){
  result.vector <- c(0)
  y <- 0
  for(row in 2:num.turns){
    direction <- dataset$Path[row]
    if(direction == "North"){y <- y + 1}
    if(direction == "South"){y <- y - 1}
    result.vector <- append(result.vector, y)
  dataset <- dataset %>% 
    mutate(y = result.vector)

generate_one_scenario <- function(number.turns = 10, trial.input = 1){
  dat <- turn_10_times_path() %>% 
    add_x_coords(num.turns = number.turns+1) %>% 
    add_y_coords(num.turns = number.turns+1) %>% 
    mutate(trial = trial.input) %>% 
    select(trial, everything())

generate_many_trials <- function(trial.count) {
  df.out <- generate_one_scenario()
  trial <- 1
  for(trials in 1:(trial.count-1)){
    trial <- trial + 1
    result.df <- generate_one_scenario(trial.input = trial)
    df.out <- rbind(df.out, result.df)

trial.count <- 100
sim <- generate_many_trials(trial.count)

sim %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y, group = trial, color = trial)) + 
  geom_path(alpha= 0.2) +
             data = sim %>% 
               filter(Turn == "turn10") %>% 
             alpha = 0.2,
             color="red") +
  geom_point(aes(x = 0, y =0), color = "darkgreen", size = 4.5) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlim(-10, 10) +
  ylim(-10, 10) +
  labs(title = "Path taken for each trial",
       subtitle = "Green dot represents starting point, red dots ending point."
       ) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")